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Friday, April 8, 2011

Why Women Stay Single..hmmm~

heheh..interesting x title kat ats nie?? een wat nie pun bkn nak sruh mana2 pihak terasa tau..jgn mbik hati erk..saje je nak bg pndpt hehe..well every single things happen mmg ade reason die tersndri n ade pndpt dr mcm2 org kan heha..jap..asal een rase ayt een arini x gedixxx erk?? hehe..welll bru nak loading kot ehhe..btw een ska quotes nie tau..bg een quotes nie org single yg ckap hehe..nie die..

Btw guys..bg een kan it is not uncommon to look around and find female friends who have chosen to stay single..kan?? tp men pn still ad..tp i brmnat nk bg pndpt ttg girlzzz je hehe..initially, u olz might think that these women are not single by choice..kan3?? jgn nak menipu hehehe..However, for me there are many reasons why women stay single..nak tau x?? nie pndpt een je tau..if i'm wrong so i'm sorie naik lorie hehe..check this out yaww~

1) Decrease in Heart Disease Risks..

wahh~mentang2 la now een tgah blaja module cardiovascular system..hoho~korg plik x kalau een ckap prmpuan stay single sbb nak krgkan sakit jantung?? logik kan hehehe.."People who have frequent negative interactions with the person to whom they feel closest may be at increased risk for heart disease," high class x ayt nie hehe..of course bkn ayt een hehe..nie petikan dr article yg een baca which is Archives of Internal Medicine. Slain itu kt article nie pn ckap yg "if you look at the statistics for the number of divorces, couples going into financial ruin and so forth, one can easily see why women remain single instead of increasing their chances of being in negative interactions on a daily basis"...hmmm..so?? logik kan kalau stay single sbb nak jage jntung..ye mmg la kalau couple tu sweet kan..tp try fkir kalau time we r fighting..mmg la sana meletop sini meletop gitu kan hehe..so bila kite mrah mmg time tu jantung kite pump dgn sngt3 kuat kan..i mean laju...so nie mnybbkn high risk towards nak dpt pnykit jntung..am i rite? correct me if i'm wrong hehe...

2) Fear of Men Who Cheat..

jeng..jeng..jeng...hehehe..bnda nie common kan..yela sape x fobia kalau kene tipu kan..lbih2 lg dr org yg kte syg..argh~sakit hati tau..terluka terhiris nie hehe..amboi..over gitu..dush2 hehe..bnda nie blh bg pnglama hitam pahit gentir nih kat perempuan kan hehe..actually,cheating men can destroy the trust factor in relationships...bile dh x de kprcyaan so mmg la nak stay single eheee..Getting into a relationship where men cheat is extremely hurtful and difficult to handle...kan?? it is really2 hurt..if a woman chooses to remain single, she does not have to lalui semua bnda yg wat die skt kan n even sng lagi die x pyah la nak brhdapan dgn bnda yg die fobia..am i rite?? cuak kot if we r facing things that make us phobia.kan..lame2 blh gile kot..yahh~this is psikology pnye theory..amboi..belagak lagi ehe..

3) Focus on Careers...

haaaaa...nie mmg bnyak gilerrr kes zaman moden nie kan..well some woman things that career is everything..bnda tu akan determine whther hdup die bgus atau x..bkn nye ade laki ke x..wahh~kire mcm tu la kan3??kejam jgak ayt aku nie hehe..for this type of woman..career accomplishments bring them a strong sense of self-reliance, which enables them to focus on education and bettering themselves. When they are in relationships, they often feel pressured to focus on their families instead...yela..bg een la kan pressure kerje lain pressure at work lain..mybe there is woman outside there who thinks that they still x dpt nak cope dgn dunia family..this is one of logic reason jgak kan..hehe..nie untk org yg workaholic la..tp bg een mostly rmai je yg prefer ade family kan..nak kasih syg..bru bhgia..

soooo..een x tau la btul x but i think there is setiap org ada their own reason kan..rsenye nie common kot..een x tau sngt cuz i have my sweetie jack..aww~gedixxx gitu hehe..ape2 pun kalau org single tu jgn ckap die org x laku tau hehe..juz x jmpa lg or die org ade reasons die sndri..ok?? nie je kot nak mmbebel..hehe..got the msg?? if u got it u great..if u don't its cool hahaha..cchhiiaaww~


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Friday, April 8, 2011

Why Women Stay Single..hmmm~

Posted by Farah Fadzreen at 5:47:00 PM
heheh..interesting x title kat ats nie?? een wat nie pun bkn nak sruh mana2 pihak terasa tau..jgn mbik hati erk..saje je nak bg pndpt hehe..well every single things happen mmg ade reason die tersndri n ade pndpt dr mcm2 org kan heha..jap..asal een rase ayt een arini x gedixxx erk?? hehe..welll bru nak loading kot ehhe..btw een ska quotes nie tau..bg een quotes nie org single yg ckap hehe..nie die..

Btw guys..bg een kan it is not uncommon to look around and find female friends who have chosen to stay single..kan?? tp men pn still ad..tp i brmnat nk bg pndpt ttg girlzzz je hehe..initially, u olz might think that these women are not single by choice..kan3?? jgn nak menipu hehehe..However, for me there are many reasons why women stay single..nak tau x?? nie pndpt een je tau..if i'm wrong so i'm sorie naik lorie hehe..check this out yaww~

1) Decrease in Heart Disease Risks..

wahh~mentang2 la now een tgah blaja module cardiovascular system..hoho~korg plik x kalau een ckap prmpuan stay single sbb nak krgkan sakit jantung?? logik kan hehehe.."People who have frequent negative interactions with the person to whom they feel closest may be at increased risk for heart disease," high class x ayt nie hehe..of course bkn ayt een hehe..nie petikan dr article yg een baca which is Archives of Internal Medicine. Slain itu kt article nie pn ckap yg "if you look at the statistics for the number of divorces, couples going into financial ruin and so forth, one can easily see why women remain single instead of increasing their chances of being in negative interactions on a daily basis"...hmmm..so?? logik kan kalau stay single sbb nak jage jntung..ye mmg la kalau couple tu sweet kan..tp try fkir kalau time we r fighting..mmg la sana meletop sini meletop gitu kan hehe..so bila kite mrah mmg time tu jantung kite pump dgn sngt3 kuat kan..i mean laju...so nie mnybbkn high risk towards nak dpt pnykit jntung..am i rite? correct me if i'm wrong hehe...

2) Fear of Men Who Cheat..

jeng..jeng..jeng...hehehe..bnda nie common kan..yela sape x fobia kalau kene tipu kan..lbih2 lg dr org yg kte syg..argh~sakit hati tau..terluka terhiris nie hehe..amboi..over gitu..dush2 hehe..bnda nie blh bg pnglama hitam pahit gentir nih kat perempuan kan hehe..actually,cheating men can destroy the trust factor in relationships...bile dh x de kprcyaan so mmg la nak stay single eheee..Getting into a relationship where men cheat is extremely hurtful and difficult to handle...kan?? it is really2 hurt..if a woman chooses to remain single, she does not have to lalui semua bnda yg wat die skt kan n even sng lagi die x pyah la nak brhdapan dgn bnda yg die fobia..am i rite?? cuak kot if we r facing things that make us phobia.kan..lame2 blh gile kot..yahh~this is psikology pnye theory..amboi..belagak lagi ehe..

3) Focus on Careers...

haaaaa...nie mmg bnyak gilerrr kes zaman moden nie kan..well some woman things that career is everything..bnda tu akan determine whther hdup die bgus atau x..bkn nye ade laki ke x..wahh~kire mcm tu la kan3??kejam jgak ayt aku nie hehe..for this type of woman..career accomplishments bring them a strong sense of self-reliance, which enables them to focus on education and bettering themselves. When they are in relationships, they often feel pressured to focus on their families instead...yela..bg een la kan pressure kerje lain pressure at work lain..mybe there is woman outside there who thinks that they still x dpt nak cope dgn dunia family..this is one of logic reason jgak kan..hehe..nie untk org yg workaholic la..tp bg een mostly rmai je yg prefer ade family kan..nak kasih syg..bru bhgia..

soooo..een x tau la btul x but i think there is setiap org ada their own reason kan..rsenye nie common kot..een x tau sngt cuz i have my sweetie jack..aww~gedixxx gitu hehe..ape2 pun kalau org single tu jgn ckap die org x laku tau hehe..juz x jmpa lg or die org ade reasons die sndri..ok?? nie je kot nak mmbebel..hehe..got the msg?? if u got it u great..if u don't its cool hahaha..cchhiiaaww~

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